The growth in the Nigerian population has continued to increase with the present total fertility rate at 5.5 children per woman of reproductive age (15-49), with the current population at over 190 million people both old and young. Despite the abundance of human resources that this provides us, we need to stem down on the increasing population which could be chaotic in the near future if proper steps are not taken. The population to a great extent has been hampered on our level of development majorly in human capital and also other areas of need such as education, health, housing, environment, employment etc. Public services provided are often overstretched and some have even gone out of existence in most parts of Nigeria, for example the supply of public water to homes.

The housing challenges that this overpopulation causes in cities e.g Lagos, does  depletes these infrastructures, with a number of them not supposed to be habitable for man. Also the cost of living is usually on the rise, with either a short or long term effect on the state of health and well-being of individuals. Environmental pollution is also a key issue in overpopulation which could trigger a public health crisis. Every possible danger of overpopulation is a risk to everyone including the government in areas of spending. A nation with a younger population in need of education and health would expend more money on educational and health projects and other needs.

It is time for the government to put in place certain population control measures that would help check the rapid population growth that Nigeria is currently facing. Some recommendations includes:

·        Increasing the number of school years.
·        Increasing campaigns and programmes on contraceptive use.
·        Encourage Women Adult Education targeted at Women with union or mothers who aspire to further studies.

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